Art Embroidery Workshop - Krystyna Duchniak


Renovating work includes:
- making replicas of standards and banners
- transferring of embroideries on a new piece of standard
- changes of inscriptions and other elements
- renovation of damaged embroideries
- renovation or replacement of painted banner parts
- replacement of damaged fringes
- cleaning of standards

Wymiana na sztandarze zniszczonego wizerunku Matki Boskiej wykonanego technika malarstwa olejnego na wizerunek wykonany technika haftu artystycznego barwnego.

Transferring of an embroidery onto a new standard piece and adding the new school number.

Exemplary renovation

The renovation involved the securing of the embroidery and replacement of a very damaged standard piece.
The eagle's crown was made from the start, with the use of the existing elements - sequins and properly selected threads.

Quick contact

tel: 048 48 360 64 58, cell: +48 508 317 395


copyright © 2008

Project and realization: &